In December 2021 Laleham Players were proud to present our first live show after Covid. "The Snow Queen and the Abominable Goblin" a brand new new pantomime by Jo Bartlett and Katie Child. Please read below what our audiences thought about the show: 

“It was so good I watched it twice. Thank you all so much it was superb!”
“Thanks so much for last night… we all appreciated it and loved as did all around us it seemed! The hall is certainly meant for a panto and as a small child we enjoyed such things albeit not so clever!”
“Thank you so much for having us at the Panto. It was really great seeing amdram back and you all looked like you were having a ball which made the audience enjoy it all the more. What a beautiful venue too. “
“Very enjoyable show last night.. The “Baby It’s Cold Outside” duet may have been the highlight too. It flowed along easily, some very nice performances, well-chosen music."
“A fabulous performance last night!! A very enjoyable evening!”

For live @LalehamPlayers information click here

#notforprofit #justforfun